Stories of the Stars
January 25, 2020
To’hajiilee Senior Center

Stories of the Stars
January 25, 2020
To’hajiilee Senior Center
Star Gazing and Story Telling Event – Save the Date
Jan. 25, 2020 – 5:30 pm
The Dine Langauge Class with the support of the IRC will be hosting another event that will be free to the community. One of our very own language members (Gloria Ann Begay) will be facilitating a stargazing event. We also have a special guest who will be sharing knowledge of Navajo Coyote stories that will be joining us, his name is Ravis Henry. This event is to focus on building K’e and making connections in our community here in Albuquerque and surrounding areas (Tohajiilee and Santa Fe).
You are cordially invited to a one-day “Tribal Food Policy Model” training presented by the University of Arkansas’ Indigenous Food and Ag Initiative on Tuesday, January 14. 2020 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Navajo Technical University’s Library Lecture Room.
The learning objective is to review a comprehensive set of tribal food and agricultural policy samples and suggested policy language in 19 areas.
Please find an attached flyer and you may view the full Model at before
attending the 14th training session.
There is no charge for this special event but it is first come first serve for a free lunch on campus if you text a RSVP to 505-923-0378 or reply to this email message by Jan. 10, 2020 at 4 pm.
Of the 19 sections of this policy model, the following seven areas will be emphasized:
–Traditional Foods and Seeds
–Health and Nutrition
–Land Use
–Agricultural and Food Safety
–Plant Production, Health, and Sale of Produce
–Agricultural Labor and Business
If you have any questions, please contact Gloria Ann Begay information listed below. Thanks for your support and please RSVP due
to limited seating.
– 505-923-0378
[email protected]
The Indigenous Rights Center is a charitable, religious and educational organization. Our purpose is to promote the wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples and preserve and defend the rights and civil liberties of all Native Americans.
Indigenous Rights Center
9351 S Guadalupe Trail NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114
[email protected]